Visiting speaker: Manuela Barcewsci joined us to discuss her work and give out tutorials. Barcewski's work interested me as she had done a piece with found objects. Found objects were a big part of my project and it was interesting how she used and photographed these objects.
These two images are from Manuela's series 'Shifting Around', 2007. Manuela explained how she set up the found objects within the studio to represent a flat surface. This idea of flattening an image before it gets printed and inevitably represented on a 2d surface strikes me as related to the nature of the photographic process. How we represent 3d objects on a 2d surface. In this respect Manuela's images become quite abstract and seem to represent painting more closely then it represents the act of photography, although this is only my opinion. Manuela's style seems to be more closely related the abstract and to painting, quite a lot of her work is can relate to minimalism.

Interiors, 2004
In relation to my project on photographing found objects in the studio as sculptural objects Manuela's work is quite similar. The similarities being that she constructs the image before she takes it and keeps her work quite minimal which seem to represent other art forms such as painting or sculpture. Many photographers go looking for their image where as Manuela already has in mind what image she wants and constructs it infront of the camera. This is what I find enjoyable working within a studio, constructing an image exactly the way you want it, placing objects were you want them etc.
Final image from my project 'So this must be the place'
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